What is Akashic Records?
Akashic Records store Universal-Soul information, records and events; Across time and space. Many refer to it as your “Souls Library” or your “Souls Database”. Imagine your own personal Google of information, that stores the codes and keys needed to access past, present and future information, unique and meaningful to your Divine self-expression!
Akashic Records are stored in the 5th Dimension, which works outside of time and space. You are reading this in the 3rd Dimension; At a specific time, day, month, and year. This is known as “Present Time”. Our mind acts as a bridge between our 3rd-physical-dimension realities and our 5th-higher-multidimensional realities. The 4th Dimension is our thoughts, ideas, memories, predictions, and perceptions; In which we choose Consciously or Unconsciously based off of Past, Present and Future information / events. Being able to access this ”Universal Library” of information gifts us a grounding frame of reference and helps us Heal the collective consciousness and evolve as Spiritual Beings.
Universal Life-Force Energy flows through all of us. It is the energy that keeps our Spirit alive. Souls were created uniquely as a way of experiencing ourselves through our creations. Our Spiritual essence is our Divine Gifts, that are unique to us. When we access our Divine gifts we receive Universal energy in ABUNDANCE. Understanding our Soul’s Blueprint gives us Clarity & Confidence to create and manifest while living out our soul purpose experiences. Aligning to our Soul’s blueprint accelerates our ability to create ANYTHING.
This healing modality provides meaning and purpose by gifting us conscious awareness to our current choices and circumstances. It encourages us to become accountable and responsible for our actions that are creating our reality today.
Our Souls do not come here to Suffer and Sacrifice, they come here to Create and Experience their Divinity through choice!
Soul Realignment® Akashic Blueprint Sessions aim to:
Reveal who you are at Soul-Level
Share what your Divine Gifts are.
Reconnect you to your Soul-Group Families & Higher Dimensional Gifts.
Provide a grounding frame of reference to accurately discern Positive & Negative choices.
Highlight energetic patterns, karmic ties, cycles, cords, contracts, and agreements that no longer serve you.
Raise awareness of current blocks and restrictions present in your blueprint.
Transform limiting beliefs, heal family patterns, clear karmic cycles, destroy and uncreate old programming.
Inspire new aligned actions through conscious choice.
Raise your vibration. Realigning your soul to receive limitless abundance of Universal Life-force energy.
Strengthen intuitive body, mind, and spirit connections. Building trust and confidence in your higher knowing.
Evaluate past, present and future choices from a higher dimension and perspective.
Realign to your Soul Purpose.
Empower and enhance your human experience.
Gift the opportunity to clear, heal, restore, realign, reaffirm and rewrite who you are.
Soul Realignment Blueprint Sessions can be Requested for:
your dependant children (must be minimum 3 months old).
your spouse or partner in which you live with.
any dependent person you are legally or financially responsible for.
any immediate family. Living or Deceased (must have transitioned minimum 3 months ago). Please call prior to booking these requests.
For Property Realignment® Akashic Blueprints and Energetic Clearings sessions you must Own or Pay Rent where you live. For home owners the session will include the land. For renters and owners owning shared land clearing will only be done for your living space. Property Realignment® Clearing cannot be done for shared land and spaces. I will however be able to share the energies effecting the shared land so you will have more conscious awareness of external influences that may affect your Souls alignment.
How can I book?
Step One - Fill out Soul Realignment Request Form. Make sure to fill out all required fields with accurate information, read all terms and conditions, sign and date consent form.
Required Information:
Current Full Name
Full Name at Birth
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Full Address (Property Alignment Sessions)
Consent to access your Akashic Records on yours or your family members behalf.
Step Two - Make payment via e-transfer or purchase through the JoyUs Therapies website booking page.
Step Three - Book your desired date to receive your “Soul Realignment Akashic Blueprint Session” via ZOOM. Minimum 3 days required for all requests. You will then receive a scheduled zoom meeting link (Meeting ID and Passcode) via email.
Akashic Soul Realignment Blueprint Sessions will be shared via ZOOM and have the option of being RECORDED for continued connection and reflections. Sessions will be between 60-90 mins. There will also be an invitation to participate in a 21 day Akashic Records Cleansing Protocol; To clear, heal and reprogram the subconscious mind. Committing to daily aligned actions, setting new intentions, affirming your beliefs in alignment with your truth and raising your conscious awareness will create optimal transformational results and success. Claim your Power, Take Responsibility and Allow your Results to Guide you!
Individual Adult Akashic Soul Realignment Blueprint Sessions
With your permission a Soul Realignment® Practitioner can accesses your Akashic Records, to obtain specific Soul-Level information on who you were created to be upon origination. This gifts a grounding frame of reference of clarity into your own truth.
It helps the Soul discern what is a “positive / aligned” or “negative / unaligned" choice.
“Positive” Choice = Alignment and Abundance.
“Negative” Choice = Blocks and Restrictions.
Individual Requests:
Are you ready to unlock your Soul Secrets? Discover your Divine Gifts? Clear Bocks & Restrictions? Manifest and Create more Abundantly? Heal Across Time and Space?
Couples/Spouses/Romantic Live-In Partner Requests:
Do you want to understand, grow, align and create a meaningful life with your Partner? Build Trust, Empathy, Compassion and New levels of Intimacy? Do you want to discover each other on a Soul-level?
Family Member / Soul Family Member Requests:
Are you curious about learning who your loved ones are at Soul-level? Are you interested in learning more about their Soul journeys and energetic patterns that seem to be passed down generation after generation? Are you seeking awareness and higher perceptions of truth to help forgive, release and reconnect as a family?
Akashic Soul Realignment Blueprint Sessions for Children
Soul Realignment Session can be Requested for your dependant children (must be minimum 3 months old), or any dependent person you are legally or financially responsible for. It is always best to obtain consent whenever possible. You can include your children actively or use this Divine information to guide your children and help align your parenting style to support their unique Divine Soul Blueprints.
The Consenting Adult is my Client, however I respect and uphold the Childs Individuals Soul Integrity at all times. I will provide an Akashic Soul Realignment Blueprint Sessions to older children (16+) however they must obtain Consent from their legal guardian to request a session.
What are your Kids Super Powers? How can you support their Soul Purpose & Passions? Do they have any current blocks & restrictions you can help clear and heal for them?
Do you want to Discover ways to energetically, physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually support your children's Dreams and Creations?
Akashic Property Realignment Blueprint Sessions
Akashic Property Assessments and Clearing differ from typical house clearing techniques you may be familiar with, such as: sageing, salting, sound clearing, diffusing, full moon & new moon cleansing rituals, etc.
The Akashic Record’s are an energetic data base, keeping the energy blueprint and intentions of the land across time and space. It stores energetic information that may be of great value to the present energetic owner of the land. (Owning, renting or leasing the property qualifies you as the energetic owner).
During the session the Property Realignment Practitioner will locate the property using the properties "full address" within the Akashic Records. From there will gather the following detailed information on the energetic owners behalf.
Are there any portal-ways (energetic doorways) ? Are there any Independent Negative Thought Forms Upheld by the Collective Consciousness? Are there any Negative thought forms created about, or directed at the property? Are there any Anger spears directed at the property? Are there any Gateways (energetic highways), Are there any Earthbound Souls attached to the property? Are there any previous Land Assignments (Sacred Sites, Battle / Burial Grounds)?
In-Person House & Property Energy Clearing
JoyUs Add-On Service!
Book a Connect Call with Candice, to inquire about cost & availability of In-Home energy clearing opportunities. JoyUs Therapies proudly offers mobile healing sessions & services within Calgary and surrounding communities (Okotoks, Chestermere, Airdrie, Cochrane, etc).